Rabeya Begum

Support Needed


Undergrad Dream: Help Some Brilliant Students to Overcome the University Barrier

Family Info

Income of the family (পরিবারের আয়): Lives on hands to mouth Number of brothers/sisters (ভাইবোন): 5

Family Status

Any other source of scholarship (অর্থনৈতিক সুবিধা পাওয়ার অন্য কোনো উপায়): None Other financial information (অন্যান্য অর্থনৈতিক তথ্য): Not applicable Reason for recommendation (কেন বৃত্তি দেয়া প্রয়োজন মনে করেন): As she is very much brilliant student but family cannot afford academic expense so need financial assistance


Noakhali Science & Technology University

Undergraduate Result: 5.00


  • Father
  • Mother
  • Gender
  • Late Amir Hossen
  • Samsun Nahar
  • Female



District: Noakhali

Village: Joynagar, Union: Amanullahpur(Chandraganj), Thana- Begumgonj, District- Noakhali

Local Contact

Mohammad Rafiqul Islam

Mobile: 016780101719 , email: rafiq.lipu@gmail.com

Hridoya Bangladesh — info@hridoyabangladesh.org — a public charity registered in the state of California with 501(c) status. Reg. No. CT0179092 and Tax ID 26-1088675